Once you have identified two or three cars that you think can afford and will fulfill your needs, call your current insurance (or a new insurance company) to compare premiums for the cars. Car insurance costs vary due to the safety record, repair costs and the possibility of theft, as well as the price of the car.
Ask for higher deductibles. The deductible is the amount of money you have to spend more before your insurance policy comes to the rescue.
For deductible you have to pay $ 200 to $ 500. However, you can lower the cost of your collision and comprehensive coverage up to 15 to 30 percent.In addition to the specific coverage options that you choose, other factors that affect your car insurance rates include the following:
Franchise is the amount of money the car owner will have to pay in case of accidents. If the deductible is higher, the insurance bill will lower simultaneously. In General, a deductible of at least $ 500 is worth considering. This is because if the damages to your vehicle are below $500, you can pay them without filing an insurance claim.
Demography plays an important role. For instance, people who live in high crime areas pay more. Same goes to claims.
Drivers who hold accident history will pay more. If you drive safely and carefully, you can considerably lower your insurance premium at the end of the year. Safe driving simply means speed, traffic cases and more. Moving violations such as speeding can have an adverse effect on your car insurance policy. The nature of your car will also decide the price of your car insurance. For instance, if you own a sports car, you will have to pay more. Additionally, if you have good credit, you can benefit from it. You are allowed to send your credit report to the insurance company to get a significant discount.