Human body responds directly to the kind of food we take.
Maintaining proper calorie and fat content range guarantees a sustainable body element supply with no hormone secretion disruption.
However, awareness and availability of these food components gives a standard output of desired body mass index (BMI) and avoid that instance of obese or underweight body. Prevention is always better than a cure and identifying comprehensive recipe that includes a balanced diet is recommended.
Fat like any other food component in correct proportions is good body supplement. It helps maintains the health status of the heart and other vital internal body organs giving a cushion like mechanism. Olive, avocado and groundnut are the best sources that supplement the quality fats for the body. It is a special source of fats as it does not accumulate in the body to those dangerous concentrations as a result of its unique nature. It contains monosaccharides and the polysaccharides that work to stopping the growth of abdominal bellies.
Fats are not as bad as it is perceived but rather it depends on how you utilize it. It is your responsibility to identify those recommended sources with the correct proportion of use and avoid abuse.